Now we have been 'on-the-move' for almost 12 months, people start asking me what I learned from the trip. I started thinking how much I learned about all the people in the many countries, about their food, their manners and sometimes strange habits and languages, about the history in the many museums we visited. BUT most of all I learned this year how important friends are to me! They are so so very important to have!
My first BFF moved to Australia |
I also found out an interesting and funny thing! Some friends that you expect to stay in contact with, have not been in contact so much or at all AND the friends you did not expect to stay in contact with, have been in contact all the time. There are a few friends who always contacted me in different ways, short messages or long messages. It's just the idea of them always being there for you, even when you are not with them! I know I am the one who left to go away for a whole year, but by writing my blog every Monday I try to stay in touch and I am always very excited when someone contacts me after I published. Some are really good at it and write a comment on the my Blog, send me a short message saying hello, writing a postcard, sending me a Whats App, email, Facebook or Skype. Sometimes I can see when their school is busy, because there are less messages and no time for Skype. Sometimes when I am sad that no friends have contacted me for a week, the next day they suddenly all contact me at once and I am on the top of the world!!!
I love my friends and I am coming back for them, not for school, not for my own bed or house, but for my BFF's. A few days ago a friend even started counting down the days till I come back. THANKS friends for always being there for me!
Here I posted 2 of my favorite images which friends have Whats App-ed me!
Playing the instruments |
Esther and Me kissing a statue |
Talking about friends; I have met a lot of nice friends during the trip. A lot of them are still reading my blog or emailing me. I hope I can stay in contact with them and most of all I wish they come to visit me in South Africa.
One particular friend I met here in our village/town Antequera. She is 17 years and she is born in Holland so also speaks Dutch. She came to Spain when she was 10 years and went to school here in Antequera. She can speak very well Spanish and wants to improve her English, so we decided that we would tutor each other. Esther is teaching me Spanish and I am teaching her English. We went to Malaga together with the bus and also went with her brother. We were a whole day in Malaga and went to a small music museum where you could play all the instruments and we were there for 2,5 hours playing everything they had. We also had a free Hanna tattoo with a peace sign, went shopping, walking from left to right, eating, but most of all TALKING! We were talking the whole day to each other about all the different kinds of subjects!
Reserving a bench in the park! |
Lying in the forbidden area |
We had found a bench in the middle of the center of Malaga where next to us was someone playing soft music and behind us were trees with birds in them with the sun shining on us! It was a great spot. Than we wanted to walk around and see the center. We reserved our VIP seats and when we returned there was a 'bergie' sitting on our seats. I guess he couldn't read, because it said " RESERVED VIP" clearly! After having a busy, fun day we lay on a grass patch for a while and rested. The rest was short because a police officer sent us away, haha! Anyway, the day went by very quickly and when we looked at our watch we had to run otherwise we would have to take a bus 2 hours later! We made it and in the bus we were all terribly tired!
After a a few days being miserably cold and jealous of Cape Town with a temperature difference of 25 degrees C! Esther and I went cycling in the cold winter weather. The mountains are very near by, but in the town it is quite easy to cycle around. It was great!
view of Malaga from the castle! |
MUM and Dad 15 years Married !!
our home made cup cakes |
Flamenco show in bar |
Steven and I planned a 2 day-away in Malaga for my mum and dad, because they had their 15 year wedding anniversary ( and also because we wanted to be alone without parents, DISCO haha). Steven booked a cheap, romantic hotel and I organised a not touristic original flamenco show in a bar and a museum where they could go to. We both gave them an envelope with maps and direction and their booking prints and said good- bye. Our plan was : "go with the flow" have fun!!!
The first 3 minutes we were "happy dancing" and excited to be alone......... no mum and dad! We had a great time being alone. Our friend came over and we went out to meet other friends for pizza. Later we watched movies till late in the night, we baked, we washed the dishes and had fun! Mom and Dad also had an amazing time since the old center of Malaga was decorated with Christmas lights who were officially switched on that evening with music and dancing and many people partying. By luck I phoned them to 'check' on them when I heard all the noise in the background. !!! They had their first Christmas feeling seeing the lights go on in the cold weather. When they came home again the next evening we had made them a 3 dishes surprise dinner with candles and music and delicious home-made food!!
Next Week : "The Kreeftenberg's getting ready for a CREATIVE CHRISTMAS!!! "