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Monday, September 17, 2012

CHILLING in Monaco!

We left Chiavari with the train along the coast direction to Ventimiglia on the border of Italy. We booked 4 tickets, but we were not next to each other. We were spread along the train and had no space to put our bags so we packed it in the corridor outside. When the coffee-trolley came we had to move them out of the way and move them back again. This continued the whole train ride so it was not a relaxing ride. In Ventimiglia we were fetched and brought to Monaco.
This whole week we were invited to a great hotel with beautiful view over Monaco and Cote d' Azure. It felt like a real holiday! Of course you all think.....they have a holiday for 52 weeks, but actually most days are planned with schooltasks, visits and not too late nights. Now we had a whole week of no planning which felt like a real vacation with the bright, warm sun and a bit of reading a bit of swimming and a lot of nice fun lunches and dinners! So this week I have not written a lot, but took many nice pictures...see below.
Welcome to Monaco, the Princedom in the south of France near the Italian border. 

Mum & Steven looking from the Rock (old town) down on my 
mum's old apartment when she worked in Monaco.

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene (from South Africa) live on 

the Rock and their castle is guarded by special police in white


Playing "catching the ring" with Truffel. He was so sweet.
 I don't know why Steven was scared.

Cars are not really his thing, but Steven still liked 
looking at all the fast and beautiful cars in front 

of the Casino. Many Ferraris and Lamborghinis. 

Out of all the cars dad still chooses "THE SMART"


Talking about his dream boat!  Perhaps he had the wrong T-shirt on!

While walking through Monte Carlo/Monaco Steven had decided that he is going to live in a boat. This way he can live where he wants and go everywhere with his house/boat. So he Googled and researched information and decided he should start saving as from today. He is going to call her " The Voyage". We visited the harbor and because of the Boat Show next week there were more boats than usual. Nice for Steven to look. There were many luxury boats with flat screen televisions and a jacuzzi!! Or you could choose a small boat where you can just fish from, but Steven wants a boat in between. 

This one is too big for Steven!
This is what he wants!! But than Cheaper!!
Monaco by night view from our hotel. No problems to have 
beautiful dreams every night.
(next week normall blog : MY 14th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!)
Merci Loes


  1. Klinkt weer fantastisch. Wat leuk toch om zo op de hoogte te blijven van jullie belevenissen. Veel plezier. De Anemaatjes

  2. HEY MIRJAM!!! WHAT LEUK DAT JE ZO VOLGT EN BERICHTJES SCHRIJFT, DANKJE!!!!Als je een officiele volger wilt worden kan je op de linker kant van de scherm staat FOLLOWER! en moet je je email address in schrijven en dan ben je een ECHTE VOLGER!!

    dankje Loes/Kreeften

  3. het klinkt echt zo lleuk!! leak plan van steven!!
    xxx je hharrts vriendin Loeke!
